
来源:http://www.gf-vue-admin.com 发布时间:2023-03-28 09:46:02 点击数:0

一、关于网络课的英语作文实际上对应的是不同的东西。如果你是学生,网络课程会根据不同的感觉进行。那么,我认为网络课在学校上课的效率肯定很差。因为在家里可能会被各种因素打扰。另外,也不能埋头学习,效率在学校肯定不高。如果你是为了考证而上的在线课,我想你的效率可能会高一点。因为你心里有一个为自己的目标奋斗一百次的自己的理想目标。In fact, different people have different feelings about online classes, if you are a student. Copy so I feel that the efficiency of online class will be better than that in school, because we may be interfered by various factors at home. In addition, we cant devote ourselves to learning, and the efficiency will certainly not be as high as that in school. If you take online classes for the purpose of examination,I think your efficiency may be high er,because you will have some ideal goals in mind and strive for your own goals.无论是为了什么情况的在线授课,我们都应该对自己负责。学习是自己的事,我们不能依赖别人。只有这样,我们才能有高效的学习,获得高效的知识和技能。No matter what kind of situation it is, we should be responsible for ourselves. Learning is our own business. We cant rely on others. We must be highly self-conscious and self-discipline. Only in this way can we have efficient learning and harvest efficient knowledge and skills.二、关于在线教学的看法作文Recently、because novel coronavirus swept the world、schools have been temporarily suspended、so we have to go online at home.At the beginning、I felt very strange.I expline to go online at home。When I started the first class, I found that it was not Mr. Qi, but a teacher from the primary school affiliated to Tsinghua University. I was a little disappointed. After a while, my attention began to lose focus, while eating, while going to the toilet, while playing with the dog, my mother noticed, criticized me, I listened to this class angrily, but when the problem was silly, there were several questions that the teacher had said in class, I would not, but fortunately there was a replay, I really finished the course and finished it easily Yes. Take a break for the next class. If my classmates and I miss the virus when we are not in class. I havent seen them for a long time! Suddenly I felt a little sad. However, I think it is not easy for all the teachers to live. Their mental journey can be described by a few words: Click to start the live broadcast, and they are giving lectures with both voice and emotion. Do you understand I cant see your expression! No interaction! Ah, its still interesting to give lectures face to face!I hope that the epidemic will pass quickly, so that we can return to the classroom as soon as possible. Lets face everyones smile instead of the cold screen. Lets go back to the broad playground and enjoy ourselves。

标签: and the in IS be
