
来源:http://www.gf-vue-admin.com 发布时间:2023-01-05 16:27:49 点击数:0



  M3小升初考试时间河南u1 Ⅰ.词组
  1. mak小升初考试时间河南e grea小升初考试时间河南t achievements 2. feel one’s heart beating fast with fear
  3. sense of hearing 4. glance at the faces around
  5. keep sb. in sight 6. run that far
  7. stare up at 8. have a word in one’s ear
  9. have sth. in common with sb. 10. survive the earthquake
  Ⅱ. 单词拼写
  1.observed 2. deserted 3. wounded 4. stuck 5. panicked
  6. personally 7. still 8. feared 9. Compared 10. avoids
  Ⅲ. 翻译
  1. The little boy reached out for the apple that his brother threw to him, nut he didn’t catch it.
  2. On hearing the news that his apartment was on fire, he was frozen with fear.
  3. My young sister was nowhere to be seen.
  4. Please watch out for snakes while walking in the field.
  5. Parents are likely to be invited to this year’s New Year Party.
  I. Phrases:
  1. 代表 stand for
  2. 遍及全世界 all over the world
  3. 与某人分享 share with
  4. 由…组成 consist of/ be made up of
  5. 偶然习得某种语言 pick up
  6. 控制 take control of
  7. 对…有影响 have an impact on
  8. 导致 lead to
  9. 依赖 depend on/ rely on
  10. 浪费时间 a waste of time
  11. 与..不同 differ from
  12. 占据 take up
  13. 代替,取代 take the place of
  14. 把..列入考虑范围 take sth. under control
  15. 而且,除..之外 in addition
  16. 取笑某人 make fun of
  II. Words spelling:
  1. nowadays 2. factors 3. process 4. replaced 5. Despite
  6. impact 7. control 8. contributed 9. pronunciation 10.adopt
  III. complete the sentence:
  1. development; depends on 2. make contribution to
  3. differs from; in pronunciation 4. It is; who/that make
  5. because ; that; missed 6. to have heard
  7. take; into consideration; take action 8.consist of
  9.differ from each other 10. looking forward to
  I. Phrases:
  1. 文化遗产 culture heritage
  2. 接管、掌管 take over...
  3. 与…有关 be related to..
  4. 卷入、涉及 be involved in...
  5. 接通 go through
  6. 状况良好 in good condition
  7. 指出 point out
  8. 座落于 be located in...
  9. 实施、执行carry out
  10. 对..负责 be responsible for...
  11. 被活埋 be buried alive
  12.做为回报 in return for...
  II. Words spelling:
  1. remains 2. buried 3.gradually 4. directors 5. cultural
  6. similarities 7.impact 8.fighting 9. reunited 10.exploring

  1. retire; take over 2. celebrated in memory of
  3. have; suggestions on 4.with; written on
  5. in return for 6. which lead to
  7. similarity between ; and ; discussed 8. It is suggested; should be put off
  1. welfare 2. issue 3. campaign 4. convincingly 5. advertisement
  6. original 7. publicize; promote 8.comments 9. categories 10. audience
  1. be similar to 2. make sb. aware of 3. carry out an advertisement campaign
  4. do research on 5. persuade sb. to do 6. according to
  7. over and over again 8. catch one’s attention 9. be smart about
  10. leave sb. with a deep impression Make/ leave a deep impression on sb.
  11. play an important role in our life 12. write an advertisement
  13. fall for 14. commit suicide 15. ensure sb. against
  16. agree with sb. on sth. 17. follow one’s advice 18. be popular with/ among
  19. be tired of 20. remind sb. of sth.
  1. in good condition; to fall for
  2. Warned; against walking alone
  3. of poor qualit
  4. can’t help feeling; have committed/ made
  5. recommend limiting
  6. taken actions to promote
  1. significance 2. separated 3. absence 4. movement 5. limit
  6. facilities 7. stretched 8. involved 9. ensure 10. revise
  1. in brief 2. every four years 3. separate A from B 4. in honor of
  5. make it possible for sb. to do sth. 6. shoulder to shoulder 7. be widely recognized as
  8. make an attempt to do 9. match A in sth. 10. set an example for sb.
  11. bid for 12. live broadcast 13. stretch one’s neck
  14. meet one’s requirement 15. current issues 16. make way for
  17. maintain balance 18. involve in 19. of all time
  20. light the Olympic Flame
  1. to be researched further
  2. of great significance to
  3. attempt to discourage; from being
  4. similar to; in shape
  5. make contributuions to
  6. lead to
  7. to be repaired
  1. leave sb. with a deep impression 2. enable sb /sth to do sth
  3. keep in touch with… 4. accuse sb. of sth. 5. sue sb. for…
  6. be trapped in 7.in reality 8.bring sth alive
  9. at the risk of… 10. end in failure
  1. popularity 2. extraordinary 3. opportunity 4. blamed 5. impression
  6. battle 7. fantastic 8. proposal 9. liquid 10. editor
  1. Upon hearing the news of the snowstorm, most of the people left this region.
  2. The nurse has been watching the patient.
  3. He has scored 12 goals this season.
  4. This new telephone service enables the customers to know whom the call is from before picking it up.


  1-5 ADDDB 6-10 ADDDB 11-15 ABDCB 16-20 AABAC 21-25 BCBDA
  26-30 DADCC 31-35 CADBD 36-40 DDDDA 41-45 BADCC 46-50 BDAAB
  51-55 CDDCA 56-60 BBBCA 61-65 CBCCD 66-70 ACDAB 71-75 DDACC
  76-80 ABADD 81-85 CBBCD 86-90 AADBB 91-95 DDDBA 96-100 BABAB
  101-105 ACABA 106-110 ABABB 111-115 BDBAA 116-120 DBDAB 121-125 CABCA 126-127 AA

标签: 英语
